Africa 2022 Boma 2nd Stay

Boma – Day 5 – Wednesday – 2/23

When we arrive, they knew about my fall and asked why I had not mentioned it.  I explained that in the first hour or so, I was hoping that it was something minor.  Interestingly, they put us in a room just off the reception area (in the same building), so that I did not have to navigate the garden walkways.  The room was dated but nice and had its own porch, overlooking one of the rear gardens.  As we were again just staying overnight, we did minimal unpacking.  I got my bathing suit on.  As it was lunch time, we went to the outdoor dining area and had lunch.  I bought a bottle of white wine which they held for me for dinner.  After lunch, we found lounge chairs by the pool and relaxed.  Margi tried to sleep, and I spent about an hour completing the Kenyan online registration to obtain a QR code needed for entry.  I emailed these and our negative PCR test results to the lady at the front desk who graciously printed them for me.

The pool area had others, mostly Americans, so Margi left around 3 pm to go to the room to nap.  During the afternoon, a hotel staff person told me that there was a doctor by the front desk to see me.  I went and it turned out to be Paul from Volcano Safaris who inquired about my accident and health.  I explained that I had seen a doctor and had x-rays and I will he fine.  He also apologized about the missing ride today and said he will pay for our lunch.  I thanked him and we agreed to meet at 9 am tomorrow to go to the airport.

I returned to the room about 4:30 after taking a short swim and found that Margi was napping on the couch on the porch.  I busied myself in the room until she stirred.  At about 7 pm we headed to the dining area for a dinner of Spaghetti Bolognese (ok) and a Hawaiian pizza (disappointing).  Back to the room for some BBC news (Ukraine) and a restless night.

Day 6 – Thursday – 2/24

We got up, but not too early.  We packed and went to breakfast, which was included and was pretty good.  We met Paul at 9 am in the reception area.  I settled the bill for dinner and the bottle of wine.  After that, Paul loaded the bags and we headed for the airport.  There was some confusion about the time of our flight.  Paul said that it was at 11:15 but my information from Rob was 12:15. Turns out that it actually left at about 11:30.  At the airport, there was more activity than when we were there on Sunday.  We first had our negative PCR test results validated with a stamp and initials.  Then through security and to Air Kenya check-in which had no line.  After checking all documents, the Air Kenya lady took us through passport control and to final security, right to our gate.

Just us and the pilots

We had over an hour wait.  Margi bought a Diet Coke and purchased a couple of gifts in the duty free shops to bring home.  They called a flight for a large plane which pretty much emptied the waiting area.  The Air Kenya check-in lady returned and led us to a bus that took us out to our plane on the tarmac.  We were the only passengers on the 11-passenger plane.  There were a male and female pilot.

Our flight to Mara North stopped at Kisume airstrip inside Kenya where we deplaned with our luggage to go through health check and passport control.  A female Air Kenya person escorted us over the tarmac to the terminal.  First stop was the health check.  They needed QR code, Covid test results, yellow fever inoculation, Corona virus inoculation, and passports.  Margi’s doc’s were all ok but for mine I had given them the wrong copy of the Covid test done in Bwindi.  I dug through all my copies to find the one that was stamped and initialed when we entered the Entebbe airport.  Next was passport control which was straight-forward.  Then we went through security screening twice in a row (including shoes) and then we were led back to our plane, and we departed for Mara North airstrip.

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